---------------------------------------- Postal Free Speech Monthly Issue 7 Price 100p. (Weekly version available) ---------------------------------------- This is the Postal Edition of the "Free Speech" database, available on Dialcom's Prestel service by keying *Free Speech#. ---------------------------------------- Subscriptions and Advertising Rates available on request. ---------------------------------------- Published by Ringworld Videotex Services 21 Rockmount Rd. Plumstead. London. SE18 1LG Tel: 01-316 5035 ---------------------------------------- From EMU MON 31 JUL 1989 19:09:26 018283215 Dear Mr Harold Angrymouse, hiding behind an anonymouse account...if you read this Board regularly you would know that I'm always destructive & critical of anything that Nogger says. If he agrees with me on something, then I have to have a change of opinion, so that I can beg to differ. It all stems from him living North of Watford; not his fault, but nevertheless, a big handicap! ] From dreamer MON 31 JUL 1989 20:02:25 emu, so you think "her" is a "him" do you? what about "miss superboss" "she" couldbe a "he" ] From dreamr MON 31 JUL 1989 20:12:09 hi her, well lets not get all romantic as it's likely to make you blush even more. of course you appear sweet! like a rose just coming into flower in spring. what i really want to know is? are you for real? have a good day. keep sm,pjng & take care. dreamer is dreaming.xx ] From Fish MON 31 JUL 1989 20:29:45 888038002 Yes that is perfectly O.K., now where was I? ] From Fish Jr.(His mate) MON 31 JUL 1989 20:33:11 888038002 I am the noble servant to a gal named Beth. We enjoy life, and all of those around us. Personaly I think love is a many splendid thing (Within moderation.) ] From CELT MON 31 JUL 1989 21:05:13 888092002 To HER: Dreamer's had your undivided attention for quite long enough!! Please let him down gently and migrate further west......as for "HER" - wouldn't "SHE" be more appropriate, I wonder? Give it some thought, ponder awhile, but not too long afore responding....... luv, Celt.xxx ] From Pete MON 31 JUL 1989 23:21:46 014511332 I see your point, Sarge. Not entirely sure that you're right though. After all we don't have problems understanding homophones in the spoken language do we? The context usually sorts it out for us. Anyhow, I'm not entirely sure that it's phonetics I'm after; consistency would be a step in the right direction. Why do we double the "p" in "stepping" but not double the "t" in "interpreting"? We could also get rid of such obvious >>> ] From Pete MON 31 JUL 1989 23:22:20 014511332 >> horrors as "-ough" words & words with silent letters (like "receipt") without causing major upsets. Thyme thoup gow phied the ghoti... ] From nogger. TUE 01 AUG 1989 00:03:33 219995096 Well: the reason I haven't written is because EMU hasn't been winding me up and I've wound down. Plus I've been busy doing other things. Will pg 84, etc., still be there tho', TMS, or will Pretzel bomb 'em so that we are forced to use the new system? We shall have to wait and see. "Her" is as good a name as any, I guess. >>>> ] Yep.. wait and see.. From nogger. TUE 01 AUG 1989 00:05:27 219995096 As good as "EMU", at any rate. Or "nogger", if it comes to that! Just space here to mention my meet again. (I hate to waste space.) Don't forget, folks - September 9th. Just drop me a line for more details. All welcome. Bring your own booze and a sleeping-bag. Did you forget Velcro, Len? Or did I miss it? ] From dreamer the dreamer TUE 01 AUG 1989 00:35:29 it's past midnight & i'm all alone. well not really. honey (labrador) is at my feet. wouldn't it be lovely if all our dreams came true. talking of dreams, what exactly makes usdream when asleep? i do wonder. day dreaming, that's just another name for thinking. but sleep dreaming! mmmm. anyway, must go & get my sleep & dreams. yes, there issomeone idream about. sigh, sob, life. ] From EMUS BRUVVER TUE 01 AUG 1989 05:17:53 018283215 Angrymouse.... How do you know so much about EMU, & what is it that is coming to him that he deserves? Rat seems more like it why not get back in your hole. Please send abusive replies to the above m/box, or on here so we can all have a laugh at you. ] From Miss TUE 01 AUG 1989 07:30:40 How do we know Emus bruvver is not, in fact emus sister...or his cat... I could be sir I suppose.. hmm sounds a bit more upmarket. and ma ybe TMS is really mrs TMS... (time to shut up I think) ] Only occasionally is Mrs TMS down here.. From SIR FUNK TUE 01 AUG 1989 16:04:57 060424069 I've just had this d*ckhead in wanting to know if we had any last minute bargains to Greece for this week for 14 nts for #150!and he wanted ACCOMODATION AS WELL!!!!Then he asked me if we dealt with PORTLAND!!!!!I think I'll go home now..... ] Nice to see an old face on! Welcome. From Dimps TUE 01 AUG 1989 21:32:00 704873560 Well hello.Sems so long since I was here.Not many old names around.Tried to ring MCD (Julie) but Ive either got her number wrong or she has moved.Have you heard from her TMS,Sheherazade ,anyone How's married life TMS?Still blissful? ]Yep. From Fish TUE 01 AUG 1989 21:58:45 888038002 (Cont.)And you would be the Venus of my heart. But mabee, alas my dear Her it is never to be. Sigh! ] From nogger. TUE 01 AUG 1989 22:32:29 219995096 I'm gonna update Poets' Corner this weekend - assuming I don't get dis- tracted - so if anyone has anything to contribute, now's the time. I seem to be getting more stuff by snail-mail lately than I do on here. (Prestel please note - driving your customers away, perhaps?) Shell says "Hi!" and sends her love. Also wants to know how the family is, TMS. ] Family is fine.. just started on the baby foods.. (seems just yesterday that she was born.) From nogger. TUE 01 AUG 1989 22:34:28 How do we know anyone is anyone on here? I mean - assuming a false ID on here must be the easiest thing in the world! Doesn't take a great deal to carry it off. Must be a bit like masturbating really - only gives pleasure to the person doing it. Can't see the point myself. Anyway, I'm a lot more interesting than any false persona I might create. Modest too. ] It is a common problem - particually on company accounts. From Mockingbird TUE 01 AUG 1989 22:45:19 If Miss is Sir, then either I should be Mockingguy or My specs' prescription needs changing!!!!! It appears that Emu is not too pleased to have his niggles with nogger questioned..........touched a nerve,eh? ] From dreamer TUE 01 AUG 1989 23:47:55 what, no her today! sob sob. oh well maybe tomorrow. dreamer goes & dreams!!!!!!!!! ] From Red Lib WED 02 AUG 1989 11:32:22 MoP. The Colour was intended to distinguish me from TMS on the rare occasions we used to chat on Buttons It is not intended to imply political sectarian or footballing allegiances! ] From SEXY LEGS WED 02 AUG 1989 11:51:25 HI! Long time no hear! LOVE YA ALL SEXY LEGS ] Hiyah. How's life? From SHELL WED 02 AUG 1989 14:46:10 HIYA!! it's me again, I've brought a friend with me this time......she's called Lesley and she's my mate...dead nice she is too so say hello!!! I'm working in Student Travel now.....3rd move in 6months!! ??,Miss Superboss and Sri have all moved on too but we still keep in touch!! Lotsa love xxxx ] Nice to see you on again. From Tina WED 02 AUG 1989 19:31:26 When you come on here to have a chat there's never anyone around just lately, oh well. Byeee ] This isn't a chatline; just leave a message or two, and look the next day for the replies. From dreamer WED 02 AUG 1989 19:51:41 who's who? tms, yes buteven with personal accounts doesn't always follow the named person is the writer. hi to shell, & lesley. lesley, has shell told you yet to avoid dreamer!!!!!!!!! bye for now. ] From tel-boy WED 02 AUG 1989 22:51:34 00000000 oooh tina, i could hug you all over wol!!! Tel-boy ] From nogger. WED 02 AUG 1989 23:21:16 I'll have you know Mockingbird, EMU does not get his niggles with me! He may get them elsewhere but certainly not with me. I should point out that I wasn't refering to people using pseudonyms, I can see why they do that, just people pretending to be something, or someone, they aren't. (Thought I'd better say that before I got jumped on.) ] From SOMEBODYS BRUVVER THU 03 AUG 1989 04:55:28 000000000 ] I am writeing on here secretly but I find that I get more pleasure out of Masturbating.... Is there somthing wrong with me Nogger,as you seem to be an Expert on the subject.Unless of course the one person on here who is a real Professional on the subject of being Anonomouse has any comments or tips of how to make it more enjoyable,would like to comment on here if you have time between practiceing! ] From HER THU 03 AUG 1989 09:28:31 000000000 To anyone who talks to me.. I've been banned from here and MBX so please don't MBX me.. If you want to keep talking to me you'll have to put pen to paper..Look in the directory for Dagenham Travel. Miss you all..May be back soon xxxxx Please no MBX's, My boss 'aint too happy... Loads of Love xxxx ] You could talk on here, couldn't you? From SEXY LEGS THU 03 AUG 1989 14:41:12 HI! I'm very well thank you TMS, i can't quite get into the conversation which nogger and emu are having. Please explain! lots of love SEXY LEGS XXXXXXX ] I'm not sure I understand it, either! From Fish THU 03 AUG 1989 14:49:49 00000000 There are many fish, but few are dead,even fewer are dead fish in a church. We can logicaly assume therefore that life in itself is non-existant. ] From Tina THU 03 AUG 1989 16:43:35 I do realise this is not a chat line what I meant was on Prestel not on this ok Tina ] Hokay.. From Tina THU 03 AUG 1989 16:46:00 Tell boy you want to hugg me, AGAIN oh well you twisted my arm, wait till next meet ok Love Tina xxxx ] From ........EMU'S CAT, THU 03 AUG 1989 19:32:46 012497026 Miss, Emu's bruvver may well be his sister, or vice versa. But he/she definitely is not Emu's cat, I should know! Those things that he gets up to hold no interest for me. Not since the operation anyway. PS: I can spel definitely! QED. ] From dreamer THU 03 AUG 1989 19:39:14 to her, if you see this message. would love to write to you but isn't it difficult, as how can one look your address up in directory when not sure which part ofthe u.k you are. & does one really address letter, "miss her"? anyway do try & keep intouch even if only once a week. i for one will miss you. xxxx ] From nogger. THU 03 AUG 1989 20:29:49 Yes Bruvver, I think there probably is something wrong with you. I don't think it has anything to do with masturbating tho'. More likely falling of all those motorbikes when you were younger caused it. Helmets weren't compulsory in those days, were they? Maybe the frame before yours in the last update will clear things up a little. If not, I'll use words of one syllabub. ] From EMU THU 03 AUG 1989 20:42:10 018283215 Dear Sexy Legs, Let me explain. Poor old Nogger suffers from NOW syndrome (NOW = North Of Watford). It's a virtually incurable infection which is normally inherited. There is a cure for NOW syndrome, but it has to be administered shortly after birth to be effective. 100% cure is possible if the parents move South before the baby has learned to speak, provided they don't try to educate the child at home. ] From HaRoLd AnGrYmOuSe THU 03 AUG 1989 20:59:09 000000000 Grrr- that Emu, he really gets my goat. Fancy him slagging me off on these pages. What a bigot - sorry Emu, didn't realise that you hadn't got a dictionary with such fancy wurdz. Arf Arf arf Arf arf Arf arf Arf arf (larfing at Enu!) ] From DON CARLEONY THE GODFATHER FRI 04 AUG 1989 00:20:48 ********* ] Deleted. If you're going to be abusive, at least give your correct mailbox number. Thank you. From The Captain..................... FRI 04 AUG 1989 12:45:29 ********* Why dnt all yu cretins grw up and stp writing this crap ] Maybe if you could show us what you would like to see, instead of just moaning. Be constructive! From Mockingbird FRI 04 AUG 1989 21:59:04 Now then Nogger,me owd lad. Tha Knows thas nowt wrong with the good old Northern dialect, In fact our kid, I think that anyone south of Watford (SOW) syndrome, who's never experienced the warmth and friendly nature of us Millboys just need pitying. The boys from Delph might put them right!!!!!!!!! ] From EMUS BRUVVER SAT 05 AUG 1989 05:57:39 018283215 Nogger...... Yes you are right I did fall off a motor scooter years ago & hit my head,but sorry to disapoint you as I was like I am from an early age.What is your excuse? Angrymouse.....If I ever get hold of your goat I will do unspeakable things to it,you Horrible little selfcentered Ratfaced Toad.I bet you keep a Goat Instead of a girlfriend on the grounds its cheaper,& you dont have to Wash! ] From READER SAT 05 AUG 1989 17:22:24 I cant wait for the next Instalment of Abuse Between that nice Emu Chap & the Anonamouse Idiot. Who is He Anyway,I am sure that Emu + Brother would love to know. (If they don't Already). ] Yes, you would.. From Miss SUN 06 AUG 1989 21:45:29 Is a guppy the yuppie of the fish world?? ] From Tina SUN 06 AUG 1989 21:45:38 Tell Boy darling, your my one and only, luv ya lots tooooooo. Don't know about leggs person sorry, bye for now. Luv and stuff Tina xxx ] From Bubbles SUN 06 AUG 1989 21:53:15 Hope you get a new job soon Blue eyes, wherever it i. Don't forget to hang g your wig up and polish that glass eye ok Luv Bubbles xx ] From BERNIE MON 07 AUG 1989 00:07:22 011156182 FNAR FNAR YUK YUK ALL THIS WAY TO SEE E ME MUCH LOVE FOR EVER BERNIE XXXXXX ] From The Squire MON 07 AUG 1989 00:17:26 Sad that HER is no longer allowed to receive MBXs by her hard-hearted boss. We were just beginning to get on rather well. (Oh, the lady is definitely a lady by the way.) So, TMS, when do you give us the startling revelations then? Are you Getting There? ] You'll find out when I arrive. From EMU MON 07 AUG 1989 00:33:09 018283215 Dear Mr AngryMouse, I've decided, out of the kindness of my heart, to allow my bruvver to reply to your latest load of garbage. In the meantime, keep taking the tablets! ] From EMUS BRUVVER MON 07 AUG 1989 02:54:46 018283215 I Think I shall call you Angry Seal from now on due to your silly Laugh (arf) If you were not a woman I would abuse you even more.(note I said woman not lady) whynot put up your M/box no as you are not a company account,so you can be abuesed even more I know it turns you on.I can just see you holding the keyboard in your sweaty hands saying more more I love all the attention I am getting!Take a printout to read in Bed ] From Methusaleh MON 07 AUG 1989 07:57:59 011110405 Is there any among this extraordinarily knowledgable club who knows the MBX number of the esteeemed leader of the SLD vis PADDY ASHDOWN. If so would be grateful for the information/ ] From Ariel........................... MON 07 AUG 1989 11:54:23 017592595 Heard on the radio that Col Gaddafi is reported to have claimed that William Shakespeare was not British at all, and in fact an A-rab SHEIK SPEAR AL something or other! Ariel greets all old mates with a big hello to Shell for the MBX last week. (Rob - Aug is always quiet.) Must Fly..... ] Been lots quieter since the 1p/min came back. From HER MON 07 AUG 1989 12:54:37 000000000 I'M IN DAGENHAM ESSEX XXXXX ] From BLUE EYES to BUBBLES MON 07 AUG 1989 19:56:16 000000000 Im gonna take your knickers down and tan your bum next time I see you and I wont need a glass eye for that HUH and if I move nearer to you just watchout xxxx think it must be your upbringing HUH shouldnt be cheeky to your elders my wench xxxx ] From dreamer MON 07 AUG 1989 20:57:15 hi her, is the number of your office 123a? think i've found you now. but who do i addressthe letter to? xxxxx ] From stuart MON 07 AUG 1989 22:24:00 919999375 Well, I've met nogger, EMU & brother, and TMS at one time or another, so I'm pretty sure they exist. Don't know about the rest of the contributors here. They could all be the figments of some diseased mind for all I know. Hmmm. That came out rather cheerless. I never was that good with words.... ] From T.D.B MON 07 AUG 1989 23:38:58 015172135 WHO IS THE (HER) PERSON ON HERE, I'd like to know as i live in DAGENHAM ESSEX as well, It'd be nice to chat with somebody from around the HEATHWAY area ] From EMU MON 07 AUG 1989 23:46:34 018283215 Oh goodie! Tuesday night it's MY turn again to wind up Mr AngryMouse. No doubt he'll have written something abuse in this latest update & i get the chance to reply! We like to do things fairly here & take it in turns. Incidently, once this new m/box system gets going on Aug 22nd, we'll be able to start sending out mass m/boxes to all the old Eccentric Mailbox Users Club members!! ] Only cost you a penny a user, if you use the mailing list. From Fish TUE 08 AUG 1989 00:03:12 000000 A guppie is most certainly a yuppie, but fishes like to swish and basses like the masses. Life is a beach and we are mearly the beachballs. ] From jc TUE 08 AUG 1989 01:52:30 018029262 Hello Crowland, How do you like the hi-tec way that I can send you a very secret message, All our love, JC and Aston the electrodog Lupish Flupsh Ball Lands ] Not that secret.. From Red Lib TUE 08 AUG 1989 11:46:25 North/South. As a Southerner who came North I must say that going down South is getting less pleasant with every trip. Relaxation of planning controls, M25 Grand Prix, houses on every six square feet of land (and at vastly inflated prices). And of course Route 1 which may bisect my former drinking/falling over grounds. Cheshire is much more like the Kent I remember from 20 years ago... ] From Red Librarian 2 TUE 08 AUG 1989 11:48:59 I mean, TMS, as Crossover phenomenon yourself, aren't some things Up Here better than they are in't throbbing Metropolis of the South? (Eg smell of manure all along A51 from Chester to Nantwich?) ] I can't wait for the chance to move back to the North West; London is crowded, expensive, filthy, noisy, ... From REd Librarian 3 TUE 08 AUG 1989 11:50:17 Finally, can anyone tell me which B-17 crashed at Duxford or wherever during David Puttnam's filming? ] From Viking TUE 08 AUG 1989 11:59:09 114500039 ... among all this arguing about who is who and who is not and if who real- ly is who or hiding behind whoever : Here is a story from the real life and the headlines will be "How amazing the logic of children are". Here it comes: Martin - my son at 3,5, are often told to "put on your socks", "put on your shoes", "put on your shirt" etc. But sunday, when it was hot he looked at his mother .... ] From Viking TUE 08 AUG 1989 12:01:58 114500039 ... who was bare-footed and said: No I don't want socks on, I want to put on my bare feet like you .... KD: Are you alive? Rob the Red: How are you? Give us your adress, so we can send a card ...! ] From 011156280 . TUE 08 AUG 1989 17:24:15 01 DOES ANYONE KNOW OF ANY BBS IN THE AREA OF BRISTOL? WOULD BE MOST GRATEFUL THANKS. ] Got a name? From Emus bruvver TUE 08 AUG 1989 20:46:07 018283215 Dear Miss (ms) Angrymouse I am very sorry if I hurt your Delicate feelings please come back so we can abuse each other a little more. Yours Sincerly EMUS (nice ) BRUVVER ] From Fish TUE 08 AUG 1989 22:03:59 000000 I can totaly agree with Mr. Lib.But I haven't the foggiest why anyone would want to explore the chaotic bowels of London anyway. (From Manchester,north of England.) ] From Fish TUE 08 AUG 1989 22:05:28 000000 Does anyone have any relations/freinds living in Moe,Austrailia? ] Reminds me.. must check my Viatel account for messages.. From EMU TUE 08 AUG 1989 22:21:31 018283215 I wish to complain. It was MY turn to wind up the AngryMouse & she didn't write anything. Not fair! Maybe it's time she bought herself a new silly hat. ] From The Know All TUE 08 AUG 1989 22:48:30 The only Dagenham I could find was for the Dagenham Girl Pipers....well at least don't have to ask if they are female or not. ] From nogger. TUE 08 AUG 1989 22:53:15 219995096 Right! I've updated Poets' Corner - a bit later than advertised, I admit - so I want you all to rush off and read it as soon as you've finished reading Freech. (Okay, TMS?) There's even a bit about the next mega nogger meet - and a map! 8109220 My excuse, Bruvver? EMU's already provided that, hasn't he? It's 'cos I'm a clothcap - it's a wonder I can send this at all. ] Hokay. From Bubbles TUE 08 AUG 1989 23:31:35 Blue eyes, don't worry that your a Steptoe look alike, I still luv ya. You can't help it. And as for doing what you said, come on now, your much too old for that sort of thing your poor old ticker couln't take it, when your getting on a bit thing dont work at well as they use toooooooo. Bye now Luv Bubbles x ] From Red Librarian WED 09 AUG 1989 08:56:40 What a day. ] Bad, huh? From " "OBE WED 09 AUG 1989 10:36:13 0 WELL I SPOSE SOMEONE HAS TO LIVE IN DAGENHAM.....PERSONALLY I PREFERED BRENTWOOD....................... ] From Viking Tales WED 09 AUG 1989 14:39:26 114500039 ... I can't help it! You must hear this other remark from my son: Yester- day he got a pair of trousers for underwear with fly! He said nothing, but looked for a second when he tried them. And then it came, putting his hand in the fly: Look mum, they got pockets ...! And a big smile upon it! Tsk, tsk: children! ] From Len of ClubSpot WED 09 AUG 1989 18:21:00 013373747 BCVS run a BB/Database/Conferencing/E- mail system in Bristol - see story on 81000. PCW lists some BBs in Bristol. Save up your pennies and buy a copy! What's this Temporary Account, anyway? Doesn't anyone stay long enough at the Net these days to get a permanent account?! Didn't see any Freechers at Margam. Frightened of the fresh air are we? ] From NOT the account holder!! WED 09 AUG 1989 18:44:55 ********* May I use your board to show Dialcom they may have a problem. I phoned 618 from South London and automatically sent the long ID but not my personal ID and ended up on this account! There was someone else on the account at the time, I had no control and watched as they moved round the travel section. >>> ] There was a spate of this some time ago. Readers, always logoff with *90_ not by just dropping the line! helps. From NOT the account holder!! WED 09 AUG 1989 18:49:56 ********* They looked at ABTA training schemes and then attempted to order 99 Bros tickets before logging off. Now I have control of the account, presumbly till I log off. David Martin (019997086) ] Ah, more of the message. As I was saying - if you logoff with *90_, any sugh piggy-backs are also logged off! From THe account holder WED 09 AUG 1989 19:34:58 019997086 Now back on my own account. I probably notched up 30mins of time charges on that account, if the holder questions their bill Dialcom would tell them sorry but we can't find anything wrong so cough up. Also Dialcom would tell them to look after their passwords, yet I don't have the passwords. ] When I was at MNet, couple of years ago, we found ourselves pigybacked onto another user 5 times in a row! Prestel! From Blue Eyes to Bubbles WED 09 AUG 1989 20:11:00 0 The only problem with any of my equipment is trying to put it into use at all due to the difficulty of I have in removing your knickers trouble with you is that youre ALL TALK and NO action HUH Love from me xxxx ] From ................................ WED 09 AUG 1989 20:15:51 000000000 Sorry to hear that OBE prefered Brentwood to dagenham. Personally i don't give a monkeys where he prefers. I never knock where anybody lives but i must say that he must be pretty desperate if he prefers the warley hospital to a great place like dagenham ] From YOL BABES WED 09 AUG 1989 21:56:26 011156280 I MR LEN OF CLUBSPOT I'M NOT FRIGHTEN OF THE FRESH AIR! UMS IS IN THE PROCESS OF JOINING THE NET AND THEY HAVE QUITE GOT THEIR ACT TOGETTERR (NO OFFENCE!!!) ANYWAY THANKS FOR THE MESS. SEE YA. ] From Fish THU 10 AUG 1989 00:05:52 000000 Did you know that the new-ish LIghtning seed's single is produced by a division of the Dagenham motor company? Strange,but true. ] From NOT the account holder THU 10 AUG 1989 01:07:02 ********* Do you mind if I use your board again. Yep you guessed it I'm on someone elses account, without hacking or the use of a cough drop. It seems so easy just enter your own password and get onto someone elses account, but two in one day??? This time I was pulled to Dialtalk, where I spent a happy hour talking to the real account holder. Who had returned with his second account. ] From Red Librarian THU 10 AUG 1989 09:17:52 Yesterday was pretty bad. Today looks like it could be better. Hi Fish! Which bit of Manchester do you live in then? Viking, September 2nd!! Hope you got the mailbox. Must dash and get a passport from the Post Office. The queue still goes round a couple of walls of the L'pool Office. Great Computer they've got. ] From HER THU 10 AUG 1989 12:01:34 000000000 Sorry..but this is my final letter..sob,sob,...Dreamer, you've got it in one! Address to Sonia xx The Know All.I'm not a girl piper ! xx T.D.B.Hey!! I'm in the HEATHWAY area, Broad Street to be precise! but I'm banned from here so if you want to put pen to paper you're welcome to (Dagenham Travel!) " "OBE..I would prefer anywhere else..but I suppose that's life xxxxx ] Can we tempt you to subscribe to Postal Freech? Key 88. From her THU 10 AUG 1989 12:03:24 000000000 The Squire...I'm missing you bundles Thanks for the kind words!! Loads of Love xx Love you all x ] From dreamer THU 10 AUG 1989 19:09:36 well about getting thrown on other folks accounts. it happened to my account last year. someone managed to be thrown on this account before i logged on. but the person was honest and left me a message also we both reported to prestel. in fact any honest person should report both to the offical account holder and prestel, ifthey "the person" get thrown on wrong accout. ] From dreamer THU 10 AUG 1989 19:12:36 to her, if you see this. look at your post monday!.xxxxxx all be explained. ] From Fish THU 10 AUG 1989 20:26:10 0000000 Dear Mr. Lib,I come from Marple,which is near Stockport in fact. I think they should have shown all of the Cure concert On BBC1 the other day. It was most disapointing. ] hey! I come from Marple, too. Moved away few years ago, but want to return to the area when I get a job there.. From Bubbles to Blue eyes THU 10 AUG 1989 21:04:31 Come on tell the truth, I know,and you know,that what you used to do all night takes you all night to do ONCE now...... And don't give me that all talk bit, coz your the one thats doing all the talking and none of the doing!!!!!!!!!! Love Bubbles xxx ] From Red Librarian FRI 11 AUG 1989 14:45:33 Good heavens. Phil Redmond has taken over our Admin Building and has filmed a bit of an Episode from Brookside in it, and a lot of inside and outside (in the car park) bits for a BBC1/2 Cop Series allegedly to rival The Bill. Car Park is full of Fake Fiestas and Cavaliers with POLICE written over them! Whatever next? ] From Red Librarian 2 FRI 11 AUG 1989 14:47:36 Has the exodus from here been so extensive? There seem to be fewer recognisable names on the assorted contact points. Or have they all tired of it? Maybe their companies have. ] From stuart FRI 11 AUG 1989 15:51:15 011112691 amstrad mc2400 for sale - surplus and new....no reasonable offer will be refused ] From Len of ClubSpot FRI 11 AUG 1989 18:30:52 013373747 Under article 1(1)(a)(ii) of the Anti Hacking Bill, piggy backing onto someone elses account is a criminal offence punishable by 10 years in prison. The fact that you did it accidentally does not matter. Ignorance of the law etc..... ] From EMU TRUE STORIES FRI 11 AUG 1989 19:32:50 018283215 I remember a couple of years ago getting piggywositted onto someone else's account. Unfortunately they were still there & all I could do was watch. It was boring...they were sending a mailbox to Nogger! The most frustrating thing was I couldn't change a single word of it. ] From nogger. FRI 11 AUG 1989 23:54:00 But there is no Anti Hacking Bill, Len, it was thrown out or ran out of time. And I doubt very much whether a jury would convict given the frequency of such occurrences on here. Especially if one did as dreamer suggests and reported it. The way you complain about this Bill anyone would think you spent all your time hacking! ] From The Mad Sysop SAT 12 AUG 1989 20:40:53 This is the first 'live' message to be sent to Free Speech in the new location. I daresay it will be a while before everything is working quite as smooth as I would like to hope, but it seems OK so far. To those 'in the know', please try it for a bit. TMS ] Hello new location! From Miss SAT 12 AUG 1989 18:26:48 I've never done it - I want a turn - err piggy backing that is - ] From stuart SAT 12 AUG 1989 20:56:33 919999375 I've only piggybacked once, and that was 2 years ago! I dialled the Prestel number, and instead of getting the "PLEASE ENTER YOUR CUSTOMER IDENTITY" screen, I got the password screen instead! As I watched, 3 dashes appeared as the other person entered their p/w. I pressed REVEAL on the next screen, noted the a/c number & reported the incident. I never received a reply from Prestel....... such is life. ] From Len of ClubSpot SUN 13 AUG 1989 09:36:26 013373747 The Bill was not thrown out, neither did it run out of time. It was withdrawn a few days after I had a meeting with Emma Nicholson at the House of Commons to point out some of the problems that might be encountered should it have gone through in its present form. The reason given for its withdrawl was that Douglas Hurd would be bringing in a more comprehensive (and more repressive) Bill ] From Len of ClubSpot SUN 13 AUG 1989 09:42:28 013373747 Juries do not convict. They just have to decide if you are guilty or not guilty of the offence. If the law is badly phrased in the first place, you get a criminal record for what everyone would agree is an accident. Now who was it told me about the guy who was arrested for giving himself an insulin injection on the hard shoulder of a motorway. Hard shoulders are for sick cars, not sick people! ] From EMUS BRUVVER SUN 13 AUG 1989 17:32:31 018283215 I Regret to Inform you of the passing away of Angrymouse.Sorrowfully Kicked to Death by a chicken.The cat will be Take` ing care of the arangments.No flowers as they give it The Runs.Any donations to TMS will always be welcome at anytime. ] even more welcome just at the moment. From Fish SUN 13 AUG 1989 18:28:57 000000 Dear Mr. Bottom of the screen person,thanks a bundle for putting marple on the map. I live near the Ring O' Bells incedentaly. ] Ah, up that end. I was over near M. Hall school. Seen *Marple_ by the way? From nogger. MON 14 AUG 1989 21:02:12 Erm.....which one of us is it that can't count TMS? I make it four (4) messages on Monday's update. Did you lose one or summat? No, Sarge, I won't be there, I'm afraid. Have a nice time. Send us a report next Monday, huh? ] Erm... my records here say 5 msgs yesterday. I'll have a look on-line when I finish this update. From Red Librarian TUE 15 AUG 1989 14:17:10 Rob getting married in Broadstairs then nipping back to the Wirral before going to Majorca from Manchester. Not as complex as it sounds. Wonder if the French or Spanish ATCs will be on strike then? Rob ] We went to a Greek island; going out we had only 45 mins wait sitting on the plane. Back, were diverted & broke down From HER TUE 15 AUG 1989 17:13:53 00000000 Dreamer..I got the letter!! Unfortunatley..I've been absolutley hectic in the evenings at at work there is only two of us in the office for this week..so I've been too busy to reply..But I promise with all my heart that I will reply on Monday next week when we'll have more staff and I'll have more time!! I'll explain properly in my lettter!! xxx ] From CLAUDIUS TUE 15 AUG 1989 18:53:30 000000000 Sarge.. Went to the first 4 Fairport 'reunions'. First two was right at the front, second two couldn't get near the front,decided it was getting too big an event for me.Just settle for buying the tapes of the show instead now. Shame Trevor Lucas won't be there this time. ] From dreamer TUE 15 AUG 1989 20:21:44 to her, glad it arrived ok. will look forward to mr. postman coming bringing me all your news. keep smiling, take care, & have a good day. xxxx ] From Miss TUE 15 AUG 1989 20:50:44 Well wherever we are I seemed to get lost on the way.. thought I was being evicted from freech... what had I said?? ] Nobody is being evicted.. From stuart WED 16 AUG 1989 00:35:22 919999375 In case LEO ENTICKNAP reads this: I tried that mbx number you gave me but it doesn't work! Could you please drop me a mbx on the number above? cheers Stuart Painting ] From Len of ClubSpot WED 16 AUG 1989 18:32:04 013373747 Writing to newspapers is a total waste of time unless what you wre writing happens to agree with the newspaper's editorial policy, as for correcting errors, well, life is too short... That part of the bill does not specify intent to commit an offence, just the fact that you use a computer without authority is enough to make you a criminal. Anyway, its all with the DTI and Law Comission now. ] From The Squire THU 17 AUG 1989 01:18:23 I can't resist writing to the new location, just to prove that I am one of those 'in the know'. When does the news break to the ignorant remainder then? It doesn't seem to work quite in the way that I expect though. OHaven't managed to get a star or a hash character, for example. ] Yeah, it's a bit weird, but you'll get used to it. 6 [ Back More ] 9 From HER WED 16 AUG 1989 20:59:27 000000000 Hi, everyone. Well as you can see I've come back to the office to say hello to you all!! The Squire.. Aren't you even going to say hello to me anymore? I'm missing you all bundles xxxxxx ] From Pete THU 17 AUG 1989 00:04:30 014511332 Offhand, does anyone know the legal validity of a faxed document with a signature? I would have thought they had no validity but friends disagree. Anyone know for sure? ] Well, if they accept a telex... From Red Librarian THU 17 AUG 1989 08:34:27 Beware the fringes of the M6/A5/M25 If you see a bright orange Transit van from a Liverpool Rental firm on Friday night it'll be me!! I am taking my non-driving best man down to Kent to collect his household belongings. Similarly going the other way on Sunday. Vorsprng Durch Transit. ] From Red Librarian 2 THU 17 AUG 1989 08:36:53 What do the rest of the freechers do in terms of employment? How come there are so few Pratzel abusers in Higher or Further Education? Are you all bored TA's or what? ] Well, you got one programmer here... From Viking THU 17 AUG 1989 10:48:30 114500039 KD, you PS'er: By this time you should have received 2 packages. Let us know if they arrived properly .... ! ] From SEXY LEGS THU 17 AUG 1989 11:05:06 HI! ] Hi. From MINNIE MOUSE THU 17 AUG 1989 11:16:15 633613052 LEN IREALLY DON'T THINK THAT WRITING TO NEWSPAPER WHO HOLD OPPOSITE VIEWS TO YOU IS A WASTE OF TIME. FROM PEOPLE AIRING THEIR OPINIONS ON TOPICAL ISSUES CAMPAIGNS ARE SET UP WHICH IF HANDLE CORRECTLY CAN OVER TURN GOVT. BILLS.I URGE THOSE WITH STRONG VIEWS TO AIR THEM IN ORDER TO CORRECT THOSE NARROW MINDED IDIOTS WHO TRY TO RUN THE COUNTRY. ] Write to ALL the papers... From Viking THU 17 AUG 1989 13:16:25 114500039 Rob (the other one, not you TMS): Do you happen to know Louie and the Let- termen, a band from Liverpool. I saw them last saturday at a free concert in Copenhagen, together with Walter Trout Band, an old hippie - normally playing with John Mayall Bluesbreakers The Lettermen were just fine ....! ] From Viking THU 17 AUG 1989 13:17:19 114500039 .... and Walter Trout was excellent, by the way .... ] From nogger. THU 17 AUG 1989 20:47:46 This "new location" wouldn't have anything to do with August 22nd, would it, TMS? I suppose they'd have to let everyone set up new frames to avoid a rush on the 22nd. I'm not a TA, Red Lib. But I'm not in education either. EMU reckons I'm a professional clothcap. ] Nope, nowt to do with that. I don't think anything needs changing for the new mbx; they'll just work differently. From Miss THU 17 AUG 1989 21:00:41 oo it must be wonderful to be in the know.. but as one who is certainly in lower education... ] From Len of ClubSpot THU 17 AUG 1989 21:59:40 013373747 Well, a five pound note is a document with a signature. Just try faxing it to someone.... Me, I'm retired, or unemployed, but mostly far too busy to look in here regularly. Apart from here, where else does free speech exist. The free press is a total myth in this country. That's why they rubbish bulletin boards. ] From The Squire FRI 18 AUG 1989 00:48:04 HER, silly girl, of course I'm saying hello to you. Just didn't think you were still in circulation. I'm now confused aoju what' you're allowed to do and what you aren't. Still no MBXs, right?  ] From Red Librarian/The other one FRI 18 AUG 1989 09:04:58 VK Louie and the Lettermen? Hmmm. Must admit I hadn't heard of them, but I will investigate. Loads of line noise this mornin so I shan't stay. Pete suppliers I've dealt with accept ed a faxed document as a contract but wanted a 'real' bit of paper later. ] From ** * ***** FRI 18 AUG 1989 13:08:35 ********* ATTENSION ALL YOU HACKERS OUT THERE,I'VE BEEN TRYING TO HACK INTO TELECOM GOLD'S MICROLINK DATABASE FOR THE PAST 3 MONTHS AND I AINT HAD MUCH LOOK.SO PLEASE MAKE MY DAY BY GIVING ME SOME TIPS.ANY INFO MUCH APPRECIATED. ] a> I cannot allow hacking on here; Dialcom get annoyed. b> Hacking Gold is as pointless as learning to spell. Ha. From ................................ FRI 18 AUG 1989 16:38:54 000000000 VIKING WHO WAS IT TOLD ME YOU HAD KNOBBLY KNEES......??? ] From EMU FRI 18 AUG 1989 22:47:13 018283215 Yes, I can confirm that Nogger is a professional clothcap. He talks with a recognised clothcap accent, lives in Clothcap Country, eats clothcap food (items such as black pudding, mushy peas etc); he swills beer and smokes cigarettes; his house is situated in cobble stoned streets on a hill, in line with the Hovis ads. Worst of all, the poor man is proud of it! ] From " "OBE SAT 19 AUG 1989 09:40:52 0 BONJOUR, C'EST MOI !!! WELL, THATS ALL I CAN MANAGE ON A SATURDAY MORNING, AFTER THE FRIDAY NIGHT BEFORE IF YOU SEE WHAT I MEEEEN... AT LEAST IT WAS SOMETHING I S'POSE ` IVE STILL NOT RECOVERED FROM BEING CALL ED A 'HE' BY SOMEONE WITHOUT A NAME.....DAMN CHEEK! ] From her SAT 19 AUG 1989 14:03:12 000000000 THE SQUIRE.. Hi ya honey!! I've only been writing on here when everyone vanishes out the back of the office..and yes still no MBX's.. It's so sad!! Missing you tons!! xx ] From dreamer SUN 20 AUG 1989 17:46:06 a sign of things to come maybe? see page *66_ and *67_ arethere any more new frames around waiting? ] From dreamer SUN 20 AUG 1989 17:49:22 to her, are you still speaking to meeeeee? more to the point, will mr. postman be bringing me something this week? or is that to be another of my dreams. mmmm it's time one dream came true i think. have a good day. & i'm thinking about you.xxxxx ] From Sarge MON 21 AUG 1989 12:00:54 As resquested, a report on the Fairport Convention Festival: We arrived just before 4 o'clock on the Friday afternoon and the main campsites next to the arena were already getting full. After pitching the tents we went into Cropredy village for a few beers. We stayed there until about 8 then returned to the site for to look around the stalls and to listen to the four bands that were playing. ] From Sarge MON 21 AUG 1989 12:05:39 The headlining band was Steeleye Span who finally ended their set at 11:45. When we surfaced on Saturday morning even the reserve campsites on the other side of the road were nearing capacity and I would reckon that attendence over the weekend topped 30,000. At lunchtime we went into the village again and returned to here the third band on: The Climax Blues Band. The atmosphere was generally laid back (man!) and there ] From Sarge MON 21 AUG 1989 12:09:23 could only have been a couple of dozen Police around for the whole weekend both in the village and on site. Anybody who got too drunk just generally fell asleep. Amazingly, just wandering around I bumped into twenty or thirty other people that I knew from Northampton. Anyway, there were about eight bands on on the Saturday afternoon before Fairport themselves came on along with special guests like ] From Sarge MON 21 AUG 1989 12:12:39 Ian Anderson, Dave Swarbrick and Steve Harley. They went on playing through till about one in the morning. Overall, it was a great weekend with some good music and a great atmosphere - the only downers being the queues for food and the drop in temperature once it got dark (take me thermals next year). ] From Red Librarian MON 21 AUG 1989 12:04:08 Nogger they wanted me to give up my amateur clothcap status but I couldn't have coped with the publicity. As I said before I still don't understand what all these Southern Xenophobes have against Black Pudding, Tripe etc. The South has been ruined by material greed and avarice. And the M25. That's why I came North. Trouble is so did a lot of other Southerners! ] From Red Lib 2 MON 21 AUG 1989 12:11:33 Miss Working in Higher Education hasn't made me any smarter than when I was a Council Worker! Nogger/Len Thanks. I am interested to see just who does make use of these devices. Pratzel "fact"frames are not truly illustrative, or even much use. ] From HER MON 21 AUG 1989 15:44:42 000000000 Dreamer..Of course I am!! I'm just typing the letter so please DO expect something in the post!!! xxxx ] From Viking TUE 22 AUG 1989 13:13:47 114500039 Sarge: Fairport Convention !! Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel !! I saw both groups at a festival in DK this summer where KD (yes him ...) joined me and my family. There were more than 50.000 people there, listening to rock, blues and folk for 4 days. And I think your words about beers etc. would be mine as well, if somebody asked me .... And I will be there next summer too ... ] From Claudius TUE 22 AUG 1989 19:25:38 000000000 Speaking of good music, see the Woodstock film is on next week. Dig out your purple flares, roll a joint, and remember the good old days ] From nogger. TUE 22 AUG 1989 22:45:30 Sounds like fun, Sarge, pity I couldn't go. To be honest, I didn't even know it was on - 'fraid I don't keep up with such things. Don't like this new mailbox thingy, far too fiddly. If this is an improvement, I'd hate t see it get any worse. Maybe I'll get used to it in a few years or so. Of course I'm proud of it, EMU. ] From nogger. TUE 22 AUG 1989 22:47:18 Oh, God! We've even got to make extra key presses to send this!! Who the hell thinks this is an improvement? I thought if you improved things they were supposed to become easier and cheaper - that's what they tell us at work - not more complex and more expensive. Sigh! ] Yeah.. key 11 to send.. and get a blank screen as well, if you're quick enough. From ...???... TUE 22 AUG 1989 23:56:35 Another sign of the times I see! P202 (0p) heralds yet another message of memorium around these parts. For those of you too young to remember, Viewtel were the original (worldwide?) providers of an electronic "newspaper". I believe they were taken over by Istel recently. Do any of you TA's know if they've reappeared on Istel's system? ...???... ] From EMU WED 23 AUG 1989 00:13:49 018283215 My bruvver & I are re-starting the Eccentric Mailbox Users Club (EMU Club) It was temporarily suspended (by the neck) when our mailing list got so large, it took half the night to send one message to all the members. Now with this new m/box system, we can send HUNDREDS at a stroke! So if you don't receive our rejoining frame by m/box, please m/box us & we'll put you on the list.(not for the squeamish). ] From Red Lib WED 23 AUG 1989 08:33:18 I wasn't playing with the new MBX. I never thought I'd say this, but I'll be glad when term starts again. The students certainly brighten up the place. Of course I can't complain 'cause a week tomorrow I'll be off on hols for 3 weeks. I shall miss the smell of oil from the river. Thank you, Shell Oil, for putting the Mersey Clean-up back 20 years. ] From Red Lib 2 WED 23 AUG 1989 08:35:10 Whoo! Sending frames to you is a bit different innit TMS ? makes me feel as if there's a real computer out there. ] Not for too long, I'm afraid.. From Ruadhri O Conail WED 23 AUG 1989 08:50:43 792458032 I' m off to Portimao in Portugal on September 21st. Any hints or tips? ] )"$+! #######& Your message ref: 020000731 To: PRAM PRESTEL INFORMATION MANAGEME Subj: PRAM 102a sent: 22AUG89 20:52 Was actioned (i.e. read or deleted) on: 23AUG89 14:34 ] Hmm... so, 102a goes to a real account, does it. From MARTIN WED 23 AUG 1989 18:34:37 ********* ] DEAR CUSTOMERS, IAM SELLING BRAND NEW PSION ORGANISERS (MODEL LZ) FOR AN ASTONOSHING PRICE OF.............#145 (32K MODEL) ANY ENQUIRYS TO MY MAILBOX NUMBER ABOVE THANK YOU........................... ] ?! Even with the new mbx, you STILL SENT two aborted frames! Now, where shall I send the bill for 20p? From nogger. WED 23 AUG 1989 22:19:06 Just try work the new mailbox system correctly when you get the EMU Club going again please, EMU. There is no need to send everyone the same message twice. Even I don't do that with my 'umble Spectrum so I don't see why you should - what with your sooper-dooper yuppie Amstrad. Thank you. Day 2: still don't like the new mbx. You leavin' here (^) or summat, TMS? ] Yup.. two copies here, too. Leaving, nogger? Well, sort of.. From Red Lib THU 24 AUG 1989 08:20:24 Nogger an 'improvement' in my organisation is when the bosses have a reshuffle, call themselves different names, give themselves pay rises from 27-100%, create jobs for their mates and THEN tell us we can't have a nationally negotiated 8% pay increase 'cos they can't afford it!! I blame the Education Reform Act ] From Red Lib 2 THU 24 AUG 1989 08:24:02 What's the difference between the Board of Governors of Liverpool Poly and Hezbolah? I believe someone managed to negotiate with Hezbolah. Embittered Librarian ] From EMU THU 24 AUG 1989 18:36:14 018283215 Nogger, you daft clothcap! I've already explained to you by m/box that I pressed the wrong button. It was all my bruvver's fault coz he didn't stop me quick enough! With a mailing list the size of ours it costs us about a fiver every time we mess it up. My bruvver took it out on the cat (of course). It is currently drying out pegged to the clothes line (by it's neck). ] From INCOGNITO....................... THU 24 AUG 1989 19:49:39 613706329 LISTEN UP YOU SKIVVY RIDDEN TOAD.I DID NOT APPROVE AT ALL YOURE MINDPUMLINGLY POINTLESS INSULT ABOUT MY SPELLING.I TALK AS GOOD ENGLISH AS WHAT YOU DO.SO WHY DONT YOU CRAWL BACK INTO YOUR NEANDERTHAL CAVE OUT OF WHICH YOU WERE BORN AND TURN BACK INTO SLIME.P.S. I BET YOU HAVENT EVEN GOT THE NERVE TO PUT THIS ON THE FREE SPEECH YOU WET BLANKET YOU.HER,VIKING AND NOGGER HOG THIS THING WHY DONT THEY SHOVE OFF! ] Well, you may be able to TALK good English.. From Miss FRI 25 AUG 1989 07:20:42 Wouldn't it be nice if they warned you which bits of the mbx system will cost a p, and which don't?? Is too easy to press the wrong number. ] Quite. No charge warning anywhere on the system; they are breaking their own rules! From INCOGNITO....................... FRI 25 AUG 1989 18:23:09 613706329 SO! MR RED INK MAN (YES I MEAN YOU) HAS COMENTED ONCE MORE .MAY I INFORM YOU THAT IF YOU DO NOT APPOLOGISE BY TOMMOROW YOU WILL REGRET IT.BE WARNED I HAVE IRAINIAN CONTACTS! P.S.STILL HAD NO LUCK HACKING BUT I'M NEARLY THERE SUNSHINE WITHOUT YOUR PIGGIN' HELP. ] ! From dreamer FRI 25 AUG 1989 19:46:19 to her, thanks for the mail. hope you receivd my reply ok. have a great bank holiday. hope you don't havet to work. bye for now.xxxxx.hugs. ] From nogger. FRI 25 AUG 1989 23:42:25 I've already written to Prestel asking 'em why they don't display the new mbx charges on the index, or somewhere. I guess they reckon if they don't display 'em we'll all forget how much using 'em can cost after a while - just look at EMU's message about his mass mbx. Very good, Incognito, Viking shoving off. Very funny. Let's hope he doesn't bring all his mates in the boat. ] we would be in trouble. From ................................ SAT 26 AUG 1989 16:43:22 11111111 Does anyone out there ever say something remotely interesting? No,didn't think so!Ah well, I live in hope. ] Perhaps if you were to show us what "something remotely interesting" looks like.. From SOMERSET SAT 26 AUG 1989 21:28:00 Understandable that the Poles need financial aid to help them consolidate their new found (almost) Freedom but why do they not seek it from the Vatican? They have been milking the Poles, together with the rest of their Empire, for CENTURIES so now is the time to repay some of their ill gotten gains! ] From dreamer SAT 26 AUG 1989 22:54:49 nogger, but everyone who has read, or will read, the little mbx book does or will, knw which parts of the new mbx service are charged for. so what's the big problem? it's like after midnight certain frames are free from time charges for net members! do you feel such frames should be marked? ] Ah, but the mailbox BOOK doesn't mention charges - the letter with it did, but that gets thrown out easier. From Sheiks of larfter SAT 26 AUG 1989 23:33:14 Irainian contacts? A couple of electrodes attached to your vitals??? ] From curious SUN 27 AUG 1989 16:41:48 016514844 EMU: What is an eccentric mailbox? ] From Mockingbird SUN 27 AUG 1989 22:56:11 Sheiks of larfter: Best giggle I've had for ages!!!!!Thanx. I did wonder about the correct spelling of Ira(i)nian, though! Miss: I'm back... But off again for another two weeks or so, then will contact you re: special assignments. ] From Nowhere in particular MON 28 AUG 1989 01:35:58 The mbx charges are given on 77784. Can you store more than 20 old messages and more than 5 notepads? ] Ah, but it doesn't give them on the frame you get after 1 Action where they SHOULD be, accouring to P routing rules From The Squire MON 28 AUG 1989 02:01:44 'Curious', don't ask what an Eccentric mailbox is! You might live to regret it, if you haven't already. Take it from One Who Knows... ] From Viking MON 28 AUG 1989 08:44:02 114500039 .... normally I don't degrade myself by commenting things like you write INCOGNITO, but I would like to know what has taken you? You act like a little boy, that just had his best candy stolen (a girl??). Anyway I in- tend to stay here and write as often I like and as long as FS is alive. You should try to act friendly ... you might like it ....! ] From K.D. - Completely Nutty _ Wed 30 Aug 1989 18:00 Postal Yo Crazy people! It's great down here in the garden of uranium. This world is riddled with now uncontrollable pollution. Okay, so you can pick up a crisp packet here and there, but it's already far too late... We have to find another home folks. Not in my lifetime, I hope. Sorry, how is everyone? Did someone mention Dagenham? A dull topic for conversation, how about talking about why Arsenal lost 4:1 to Manchester United? Oh, I passed my driving test but it appears that my _ From K.D. - Completely Nutty _ Wed 30 Aug 1989 18:04 Postal message concerning this didn't get aired. Did you get my last message and cheque TMS? ] Last I got was 10/7/89; No cheque. Message:- VIKING - Yo, I'm still alive, and letter on it's way. NOGGER - Any chance of a Postal Poets' Corner? I'll write to you soon, so you've been warned. DREAMER - You're a randy little begger, aren't yer? Ever heard of a thing called TACT? _ From K.D. - Completely Nutty _ Wed 30 Aug 1989 18:05 Postal HER - You're off, and you never said hello. Sniff! Sob! BLUE EYES - You may find removing the chastity belt will enable easier under- wear removal. ...Right, that's all from me, 'till next time. I love you all...... K.D. XXXXXXXX _ From EMU TUE 29 AUG 1989 18:43:32 018283215 Squire...It's OK, we've now explained to him what the Eccentric Mailbox Club is all about. If anyone else isn't quite clear, please m/box us. Incidentally, we're still waiting for about 50 of the people we sent our first EMU Club message (of the new season) to pick up their mail. About 50 others have seen our m/box but not yet replied. We know who you are! You can't escape!! ] Was I expected to reply? From Red Librarian WED 30 AUG 1989 09:04:36 Well. This is it. My last frame as a single person. No, not paranoid schizophrenia. Marriage!! See those-who-communicate after Sept 25th when the North West receives yet another refugee from the blighted South-East ] From Viking WED 30 AUG 1989 15:19:36 114500039 KD: Letter arrived. Don't bother to send an empty tape. I mean: I buy you one and fill it with music, you buy me one ... etc. etc. OK? Next time I think you should have some Guess Who - decided, after listening to a couple of albums I almost forgot was in my collection. It was a band from Canada, - the style is like Bachman-Turner but more 'rough'. Blues! ] From nogger. WED 30 AUG 1989 22:48:12 I thought we'd already sorted the postal Poets' Corner question, K.D.? I'm quite happy to supply printed copies of the poems in return for contributions. I mean, what's a stamp between friends? Congratulations, Red Lib. May you have a long and happy one. ] From HER THU 31 AUG 1989 13:33:03 000000000 Red Librarian.. CONGRATULATIONS !!! K.D. Hello ! INCOGNITO..Take some advise from your own words.. Love to you all xxx ] From Sid THU 31 AUG 1989 17:17:36 011153723 ive just had a mercury implant in my spine to cure a back problem...its great... ...except when the temperature goes above 80 degrees and grow to 12 feet tall! ]